Chronicles Of Jennifer

chronicles of Jennifer. My life all bared.

  • Powerful Tips I am Using To Manage My Emotions and Feelings.
    Dear Queens, how are you all keeping? Today, I thought I should write on Chronicles of Jennifer since I haven’t written anything on there for some time now. Here is a guide on how to manage your emotions. Today my feelings and emotions are all over the place. How do I manage my emotions and…
  • It’s My Birthday! Plus The Best Birthday Quotes!
    The Kinging Queen, aka Jennifer Pompaski, is plus one today and I am celebrating with and in gratitude with some birthday celebration quotes. The past year has been fraught with every imaginable and unimaginable things but I embraced all because life is a beautiful chaos. From quitting my job, traveling out to the UK and…
  • Much Ado About Selfies
    I am seated at my office trying to take “really good” selfies for my usual weekly posts on Instagram. I have turned this way and that way. Made faces, (goofy and horrible ones) smiled, got serious, turned my head this way and then the other way. All in the spate of ten minutes! Ten minutes…
  • My Craze About African Braids
    Hey, how did the weekend go! Relaxed and ready for the new week I hope! You all know my love and hate relationship with Mondays. That is no longer news. What could be news for you though is the fact that I am crazy about African braids? I am one of the lucky ones that…
  • Introducing The Chronicles Of Jennifer
    Today, i am introducing the Chronicles of Jennifer. The Chronicles of Jennifer is a new category i am adding on the blog where i will be sharing my every day life (the crazy, boring, good, bad and ugly with you all) as a way for you to know the person behind the blog and also…