
reflections about life, life purposes, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, quotes about life, poems, poetry, life truths & challenges

  • Torn: Reflections Of An Unholy Affair
    The only one in her dreams Right from her teenage years She saw him and fell in love His laughs and his  His protectiveness She lived and craved for them Only but a young girl With a seemingly huge crush on a man far older She didn’t care But she couldn’t show it She could…
  • The Lonely Path
    BUT SHE IS A MOUSY MOUSE Speaking up when people expect you to keep quiet, Standing up when you are “deemed” to be sitting down. Breaking forth and breaking out When you have been “caged” Pulling down the gates, When you have been in the dungeon for eons It is a lonely path.   VICTIMIZED…
  • The Beautiful Chaos Called Life: Life Is Good
    Life isn’t a bed of roses. I wonder why they say that. Life isn’t a bed of roses. Roses have thorns so why is life likened to a bed of roses?…
  • Clean Slate. Fresh Start
    A soul deep jeering jolt and you wake up from the “slumber” that is your life and you know you really have to “wake up” and make something of your life. Clean slate and start afresh…
  • The flow of life
    The flow of life. A little piece on life experiences and how we can let them define us positively…. Much of our ability to experience inner peace and happiness rests without willingness to accept change. Life is not static, it is dynamic. It is often difficult to leave behind the familiar past and venture into…